Distorting the Truth

Distorting the Truth January 9, 2024

Distorting the Truth

Michael Santoroski | Springtime at Roanoke | 03.23.12 | creative commons

Pilate asked him, ‘So you are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say that I am a king. For this I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.’ Pilate asked him, ‘What is truth?
John 18.37-38, NRSV

I won’t belabor the point because a lot of scholars have already made the point.

Postmodernity looks a lot like the First Century.

When I shared this with my small group Sunday night, I shared a couple thoughts.

People then and now are seeking for truth. They’re searching so hard for truth that they can’t see it when it’s standing right in front of them.

Jesus is the truth but his religious leaders were trying to distort the truth about Jesus. What was Pilate to believe about truth, and Jesus?

Gray Havens
Ghost of a King

To watch on YouTube CLICK

Today in this postmodern world, where language itself has been deconstructed to where it has no universal meaning, religious leaders are once again distorting the truth about Jesus. What is a genuine seeker to believe about truth, and Jesus?

Absolute truths are no longer heeded.

Truth is relative for Pilate, a man of his times.

Truth is relative for the postmodern seeker, in our times.

Because religious leaders have acquiesced to the postmodern paradigm shift, and compromised the truth of the Gospel, it’s like they’ve put Jesus back on trial.

Religious leaders are blessing homosexuals, preaching the love of God without justice which is the twin of love, dismissing the Trinity, and basically opening the church doors to sin. When religious leaders question the truth, the church suffers. The term Christian becomes a title only instead of a radically distinct way of life.

The religious leaders distorted Pilate’s view of truth and Jesus.

Some religious leaders are putting our Lord on trial before a postmodern world today, distorting the world’s view of truth and Christ.

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