Texts for Today

Texts for Today March 22, 2024

These Texts are for today. Sometimes I need to encourage myself on Friday, heading into the weekend.

JVI | sundown today | 03.14.24
JVI | sundown today | 03.14.24

Each heart knows it’s own bitterness,
and no one else can fully share its joy.

Proverbs 14.10

Be still, and know that I am God!
Psalm 46.10

After that generation, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel.
Judges 2.10

As your name deserves, O God,
you will be praised to the ends of the earth.
Your strong right hand is
filled with victory.
Psalm 48.10

“Sir,” Gideon replied, “if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us? And where are all the miracles our ancestors told us about?”
Judges 6.13

From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty,
God shines in glorious radiance.
Psalm 50.2

I own the cattle on a thousand hills.
Psalm 50.10

“Why do you ask my name?” the angel of the Lord replied. “It is too wonderful for you to understand.”
Judges 13.18

Army of Bones

This list of Texts comes mainly from my readings. It dates back to March 8th. For the most part, I am centering in on Texts about victory and provision. On one hand, I want to comment on the significance to me of each one. On the other hand, I want to let the Scripture speak for itself, whatever it may speak to you. That has been the purpose of listing Texts. It has also served another purpose.

I am going through major life changes today

Sometimes sharing Scripture not only serves as an article, but it serves to remind me of what God is doing in my interior life. I’m reading in the Hebrew Bible at the moment. It’s refreshing to review the stories and allow them to minister to me, as I explore God’s Word.

You can find these Texts, and all types of other posts, on my X (formerly Twitter) account JaredIngle2022

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