To Wait is to Pray

To Wait is to Pray August 19, 2024

Give me wings to fly O Lord
For I do wait eagerly on You
You’re my only hope
At the end of the day
When darkness hems me in
You are my Deliverer
You are my Rescuer from rubbish
When I awake and arise
You are my Motivator
You are the Voice behind me
Telling me this is The Way, walk in it
I am alone, yet You are near
I joy in the communion of the saints
You see my secret thoughts in full daylight
You eagerly wait for me to confess my desires
I eagerly wait for You as well
O Lord, how long will this go on?
You have spoken in the past to me
And revealed coming times and seasons
Will You not send forth Your Word now?
Even if You don’t, my soul waits on You

Written 08.12.24

pic: JVI | Mother’s Day | Grand Haven, MI | 05.12.24

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