Your New Path

Your New Path September 28, 2024

Your New Path

This is the way
Walk in it
Though you cannot see the end
Your steps are ordered
And there is another path
Your feet will tread

Has your path been rough?
Your new path will be smooth
Although it once was arduous
You will continue your travels with ease

Has your road been long?
On your new path
There will be many destinations
Many stops along the way
Places that will serve as an oasis

Are you tired or weary?
Your new path will be invigorating
You will experience renewal
New strength found in joy

Why this path?

. . . but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. (1 Samuel 30.6.b)

Sometimes I get an injunction. Most of the time it is a word for someone at church. If it is a word for me, it is normally written down in my journal.

However, the other night this word came to me slowly and steadily. Do I want to classify it as a Gift of the Spirit, perhaps a word of prophecy? I’m very reticent to share this on this blog, but this is how it was given to me. I was opening my writing interface, and this just started coming to me.

Who is this word for? That’s the rub. I don’t know. I do know it’s for me and it carries a lot of personal attachments. There may be others who read this who find no value in it. Yet there may be some who resonate with it. I always feel uncomfortable with the social media would-be prophets: “ I don’t know who it is, but somebody needs to hear this…” Despite my aversion to their claims, I feel compelled to share this.

This is new for me in this writing space. Take it or leave it. I know I normally journal about it, but this word felt like it could apply to people I know and people I may not know.

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