@JaredIngle2022 | 280 Characters Challenge

@JaredIngle2022 | 280 Characters Challenge December 18, 2022

@JaredIngle2022 | 280 Characters Challenge

Twitter is new for me.

The following are actual tweets within a short period of time, each 280 characters. Can you tell I have some pent up energy since Christmas Break is starting?

I wonder how many exact 280 character tweets I can put out while I wait to pick up somebody from work. I’m getting pretty good at the exact tweets. I think it’s because I’m an author/writer, so I work – and toy – with words quite a bit. It’s just what I do. I am always improving.


Early ‘90s | maybe earlier on @PandoraMusic pandora.app.link/942iVDp0Ovb
This is the vibe I’m just chillin’ to right now, while I write my 2nd 280 character tweet.
I’ve actually curated some great songs from the mid-80s to the early 90s….
and yes I lived it so it is all authentic.

This is the 3rd 280 character tweet in a row while I continue to wait on the person I’m picking up, now 10 minutes late.
The big problem I have with Pandora from the previous post is they have a few representatives of UK bands except Canada. I can’t find The Awakening or Justus.

Okay another 280 character tweet, this time about U2. I admit I love the band and have followed their music all the way through.

Problem: with some artists who are so popular, if you thumbs up the song, Pandora starts playing their music incessantly.

I have to thumbs up anyway.

BTW it’s U2

In the Name of Love

This is my 5th 280 character tweet while I wait to pick up someone.

Now it is about Twitter. I don’t really have it connected to anything other than contacts.
I may be writing to an audience of 12. Really, can only 12 people see my posts? IDK
And why is it hard to find PPL here?

@JaredIngle2022 | 280 Characters Challenge

Find me and my tweets on Twitter @JaredIngle2022.

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