With Each Passing Year…

With Each Passing Year… June 5, 2023

With Each Passing Year…

Sometimes it’s good to have a little conversation. At this point in my journey, it doesn’t take much to set me on the right course if I veer off a little.

With each passing year…

…my hopes of future research seem to be a stretch. I’ve had publishers review my work. They have made comments about some of my previous studies, particularly on the Gospel of John and on early liturgical prayers in the Primitive Church. One big house (large publishing house) was interested in these two studies. Another big house was interested in my work on Ephesians, and published a preliminary study with some dated material.

If any one of these 3 topics could make a good book, why wouldn’t one of them make a good dissertation?

To date, I have published very little of these topics on Patheos although I have done extensive research.

Another topic that has interested people has been my work on the Suzerain Treaties of the ancient Near East (aNE).

One of my works on the Holy Spirit was considered for publication.

My work on the Majority World Church captured the attention of a denomination for a time.

My collective works in philosophy and ethics led to my second major conversation about teaching at seminary, the second conversation being far more serious than the first.

With each passing year…

…the dream job still remains as clear as a vivid dream. I have always wanted to spend the final decades of my career on campus in some capacity. It doesn’t have to be teaching.

Michael Santoroski | Springtime at Roanoke | 03.23.12 | creative commons

There are freshly minted Ph.D.’s who are teaching a bunch of courses Adjunct because it’s cheaper for the institution to hire Adjunct Professors than to hire and establish a Full Time (FT) Professor.

My interest would be with any FT Staff position that would be within my wheelhouse. I’m not even worried about looking at Faculty positions at this stage. Furthermore, I’m not looking for Mid-Level. I’m not necessarily looking at a Director either, or not too much.

When I talked to some student workers who are friends, one of them couldn’t believe it. One student worker had never heard me say I wasn’t looking for a Director. It’s just assumed I want a top notch Director. I was questioned about my willingness to step into a subservient role.

I would just like to know who I could serve to the best of my ability, at an Entry-Level if need be. There has to be an entry point somewhere, although higher education has changed quite a bit in recent years.

A lot of people don’t know that one of the benefits of being on staff is that tuition assistance is often part of the benefits. If I ever earned a research doctorate, I would be satisfied as a staff member, not using my staff position as a stepping stone. At 50, how many more stepping stones am I going to cross anyway? I can always research, and join doctoral research fellowships. I’ve already served in similar circles and it’s quite fulfilling.

With each passing year…

…that gap is growing. One of my university leaders commented on my sexuality. I learned that no one would ever accuse me of being anything but straight, but if I ever had an affair I would lose it all. There’s nothing like putting the fear of God in a young collegiate staff member.

One of my managers recently commented on me in this area. She said she didn’t see anyone 40 years old coming around and vying for my attention. I took this as a compliment, because there are “regulars” who do vye for the attention of some of my coworkers. Apparently, I’m not encouraging that type of behavior.

This is important if I’m ever going to step foot back on a campus. The age gap between me and collegians, and even me and most seminarians, has changed the nature of my conversations with my leadership, and at least one of my managers has taken a few notes already.

Even though I’ve served in higher levels of leadership, it’s still a mystery to me how some leadership teams communicate so well. I have also found this to be true with universities I have shown interest in.

With each passing year…

…the greatest mystery of my adult life…

…remains a mystery.

Some people just belong in an institution. It wasn’t too long ago in history that many campuses included on campus housing for staff and faculty, or nearby housing. There is a sense of belonging among collegians and graduate students. Many campuses still have on-campus requirements for students, living in the dorm for the first year or two, and then other campus houses may open up. However, it is not so common to see faculty and staff living together in the institution as it once was.

AGTS | Evangel


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