Can You Drink This Cup? A Good Friday Responsive Reading

Can You Drink This Cup? A Good Friday Responsive Reading April 18, 2014


I had to write a responsive reading for our Good Friday service. I thought I’d upload it in case anyone else wanted to use it.

Speaker: Jesus came to destroy the devil’s works and redeem the world to himself. Will you join him in his mission?

Congregation: We will join him.

Speaker: Christ’s victory came at significant personal sacrifice and cost. Will you join him in his mission?

Congregation: We will join him.

Speaker: Will you deny yourself?

Congregation: We will deny ourselves.

Speaker: Will you take up your cross and follow him?

Congregation: We will take up our cross. We will follow.

Speaker: The world will be redeemed by embracing God’s love. God’s love is sacrifice. God’s love gives. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Will you carry this love into the world?

Congregation: We will be patient. we will be kind. We will not envy. We will not boast. We will not be proud. We will not dishonor others. We will not be self-seeking. We will not be easily angered. We will keep no record of wrongs. We will not delight in evil but rejoice in the truth.

Speaker: Christ’s cup was bitter. It was a road full of self-denial that ended in betrayal, an unfair trial, and an undignified death. But without Christ’s death on that cursed tree we could not eat again from the tree of life.

The church is still about Christ’s work, carrying his message into the world. We do this by bearing our cross and drinking from a bitter cup. Can you drink this cup?

Congregation: We will carry our cross. We will drink this cup.

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