Laura Ann Chord, 17, killed days after prom; leaves behind inspiring faith blog

Laura Ann Chord, 17, killed days after prom; leaves behind inspiring faith blog May 10, 2016

This is my story, this is my song.

Praising my Savior, all the day long.

Blessed Assurance, Frances J. Crosby, 1873

laura chord riding horses

Laura Ann Chord was not a typical teenager. In our selfie-absorbed culture, she looked outward and upward with eyes fixed on Jesus.

Laura was a junior at Newcastle High School in Wyoming and the youngest of four daughters. A fierce competitor with a quiet spirit, she ran track and cross country and was involved in FFA, 4-H, rodeo, science fairs, horse shows and Student Council. One of her greatest loves, however, was writing, and she dreamed of becoming an author. She published posts on her site, Cee My Heart, highlighting her faith in Jesus Christ and her passionate pro-life stance.

laura matt


Laura was killed in a car accident on May 3, just days after she attended prom with her good friend Matt Carlson, the young ukuleleist and author of a popular Facebook page, A Hymn A Week On My Ukulele. He shared with fans Laura’s impact on his life, and he recorded the old hymn, Blessed Assurance, on her hilltop graveside.

Laura’s final blog post was written on March 4. Her message to the world was full of all the things Laura was full of — love, faith, passion, hope and vulnerability. Here is an excerpt. You can read the full post here.

Life is for the living.

“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord.” ~Psalm 118:17

I want to live. I want to be fully alive. I want people to know who I am truly–deeply. I want to be open and approachable.

But I also want to forever be a great mystery.

My heart longs for adventure. Sometimes I can hardly stand it. I must dance with the grass to the music of the wind. I must run through my precious hills, up the trails, and over rocks and twigs. I must push my body to its limits until my legs scream in pain and my heart pounds so violently I’m certain it will explode.

But I want more than the hills surrounding my home; I want more than the adventures of my childhood.

I want to see the the world. But not just see it–I want to be in it, a part of it…

I want to walk the streets of a foreign city at midnight. I want to be absorbed in other cultures. I want to eat strange foods, wear flowing, brightly-patterned clothes, and let my hair fall wild and free…

I want to read the Psalms on the edge of a cliff. I want to raise my hands in the air, face the stormy sea, and sing at the top of my voice.

I want to be alive…there is more to life than the simple experience.

I am more than what I see, feel, taste, do, and say, so my life is more than this as well.

I could travel the entire world and still not truly live. So what does it mean to fully be alive?

Without a relationship with Jesus Christ, you will never be fully alive. Call upon the One who died for you, so you may have life–to the fullest, and for eternity.

For that, my friend, is the greatest ADVENTURE.”


Gifts in Laura’s memory can be donated to Rainbow Bible Ranch Summit Ministries.

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