July 1, 2012

This diary is going to hold off on any major posting until tomorrow in solidarity with all my friends in DC who are still without power. This horrifying pic from Georgetown was sent to me by friend and occasional partner in crime Al Canata. Yes, that is a Jaguar under the tree. Read more

June 30, 2012

Wretched start to the morning. Saturday is my one day off — barring catastrophe. So of course a little after 5 this morning, Real Clear Policy co-editor Joe Lawler informed me, via text because good luck getting a call through right now, that he and about a million other residents of the DC Metro area are without power and therefore without Internet and that the situation is likely to persist. The update was all on my groggy brain and clumsy... Read more

June 29, 2012

Here are the Black Keys singing “Everlasting Light” to play you out for the week, dear readers. I go back-and-forth over whether or not this song is religious. The answer hinges on who the “me” is that’s supposed to be singing. My theory is, they smuggled a song about God in under cover of “baby baby.” Read more

June 29, 2012

Palpable conservative anger at John Roberts over the Obamacare ruling reminded me of something out of US History 101. John Jay, our first Supreme Court Chief Justice, turns out not to have been a terribly well liked guy either. While serving on the court, Jay negotiated a treaty with Britain that… proved unpopular. It inspired perhaps the most famous bit of political graffiti in American history: “Damn John Jay! Damn everyone who won’t damn John Jay!! Damn everyone that won’t... Read more

June 29, 2012

Show of hands: How many people think Magic Mike represents the end of Channing Tatum’s serious acting career? That’s my bet, though perhaps audiences will prove more forgiving of stripper roles for men than for women. Read more

June 28, 2012

Boy, I picked the wrong day to have electrodes strapped to my chest. Read more

June 28, 2012

Took this picture at Milt’s Pizza in Lynden Tuesday. It documents my highest score ever in one of those basketball hoop shooting games — the kind that let you throw at a stationary hoop for the first round and then move the basket from side to side for later, shorter rounds. You have to score 40 points to make it into the second round, 150 for the third and 250 for the fourth. This was the first time I ever... Read more

June 28, 2012

Well how about that? John Roberts, the justice that George W. Bush appointed and elevated to Supreme Court Chief Justice, effectively just saved Obamacare. (For now!) And Anthony Kennedy, the judge that most people were worried would go soft on this one, was the justice who ended up reading for the dissent. He formed part of a bloc of four justices who wanted to tear the whole edifice down. They would have done just that if the court’s purportedly conservative... Read more

June 27, 2012

The Supreme Court is scheduled to deliver its Obamacare decision Thursday. Getting to the meat of that decision, and all of its implications for the future of this country, is going to be harder than it sounds. It will be hard because of all the human static. People who only half know what they’re talking about will try to say something — anything! — to avoid dead air time on television and radio. Lots of weasel words, conditional clauses and... Read more

June 27, 2012

Matthew Lee Anderson attempted to reply to my post on his theology of the body piece but for some reason the Patheos comment apparatus locked him out. So he e-mailed it to me. Here’s what he had to say for himself: The short version [for why I didn’t namecheck John Paul II] is that I was asked to keep myself to 1000 words, and all the necessary throat-clearing and qualifying that I feel like I would have had to have... Read more

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