The Angels' Footpath by Ron Cooke

The Angels' Footpath by Ron Cooke September 3, 2014

The Angel's Footpath - Cover

The Angels’ Footpath by Ron Cooke

The Angels’ Footpath by Ron Cooke is a dystopian novel written in the same style as George Orwell’s 1984. The novel follows the adventures of Rick (Ricardo Juan Sanchez Vasquez) who has a special spiritual gift. The story is interesting and it does keep you interesting throughout the novel. The pace does slow down a bit in chapter two, but after chapter three, one can see the plot thicken and pick up pace. Intertwined in the novel is the belief system which Rick discovers. Although the nature of the book gives one the impression that his worldview is  a Christian one, there are many contrasts to the traditional Christian view. As a matter of fact, the book’s protagonist (Rick) challenges traditional Christianity with a pseudo-Christian theology. Rick states: “People are desperate for a refreshing and contemporary interpretation of Christian theology.” (191) Rick’s theology is strongly influenced by the Spiritual Universe by Fred Alan Wolfe, and as a result, he does not promote biblical Christianity. Below are quotes and contrasts with the Biblical record on which true Christianity is based.

It denies a bodily resurrection (186).

Everyone has the same experience. Each individual has a different experience. This may seem to be a paradox, but it is not. We all travel a path that leads from the physical to the spiritual. We all make the transition from the physical matter of this universe to a new form of being. However, everyone follows a path they create from their unique experience. It may be a path through a wooded glen, a beautiful garden, along the shore, through the snow, over the sands to an oasis, or whatever. Father Giovanni believed our life energy makes a transition from the physical universe to the spiritual universe. The body stays behind, but the spirit moves on. If we find the portal, we find a place of peace.

The Bible teaches that Christians will experience a bodily resurrection. 1 Corinthians 15:12, 1 Corinthians 15:16

It makes many statements about hell which contradict the Bible:

Rick denies the existence of hell (187, 197-198).

No, I’m afraid not. According to Micah, only those who are worthy by God’s measure have this experience. There is no path for those who are sinners. Upon death, their life energy merely dissipates into the ether of the cosmos.

That’s the way the system works, Phillip. Hell does exist. It is here, on this earth. We make our own hell, we humans, with our words and thoughts, and our often irrational behavior.

Rick believes in annihilationism and not in a physical place of torment called hell (206)

Redemption is possible for a period of time. Many spirits find their way to the angels’ footpath because they become believers. The reality of death changes their mind. But eventually the spiritual energy of nonbelievers dissipates into the cosmos—like your breath does on a cold morning. The soul ceases to exist. Souls that refuse to believe disappear.

The Bible teaches about hell. Hell is real. Matthew 25:46, 1 Thessalonians 1:9, Jude 1:7, Revelation 20:13-14

Rick adds to the completeness of God’s revelation in His Word the Bible and also advocates a false theology of a spiritual universe (192).

“My mission is to clarify the message of Christ, reinforce the values God has taught us, reemphasize Paul’s message about love, and to add one other—the existence of a spiritual universe.”

The Bible teaches that Jesus was the final revelation of God and that the Bible is God’s final authority on matters of importance. Hebrews 1:1-3

Rick denies the existence of a transcendent God who rules in the affairs of men (198-199, 294)

God does not usually intercede in our affairs. We make life what it is. Just remember, we humans have the intellectual capability of producing an existence that is closer to paradise or nearer to hell… It’s up to us.

As Father Giovanni will teach you, God seldom interferes with the affairs of your planet. He has taught humanity his values, he encourages people to accept and follow them, but he chooses to leave the outcome up to the human race.

The Bible teaches that God rules in the affairs of men. God is not far from us and He wants to be personally involved in our lives. Daniel 4:17, Acts 17:27

Rick believes that the Bible is a book about humans who can find God’s wisdom. The Bible is about humanity and not God. (201)

Think of the Bible as a footpath to God….No other book has had a greater influence on humanity because in its essence, this book is about us. We are the people in the Bible. It connects us with the compassion and wisdom of God… And that is why it has endured.

The Bible is about God. It is about God and how as the Creator of humanity, and how He wants to guide us. 2 Timothy 3:15-17

Rick believes in a different God who exists as a false trinitarian relationship. (210)

The spiritual universe exists in a plane that is parallel with its physical counterpart throughout the cosmos. God the Father, God the Mother, and God the Holy Spirit come together as a unity within this plane, creating the energy of the Holy Trinity.

The Bible teaches that God exists as One in Three Persons. Matthew 28:19

Rick speaks about the need for a spiritual awakening. Unfortunately, when he states a spiritual awakening, he is not talking about a Christian awakening. He continues to promote a spiritual universe. It is spiritual, but a Christian awakening. (211)

A spiritual awakening is coming. It will occur within most human cultures, all over our earth. Hundreds, then thousands, and finally millions of individuals will awaken to the reality of the spiritual dimension…

“Jesus was not God. Although God dwelled within Jesus, he and God are two different beings. If we are virtuous, honest, and receptive in our quest to be at one with the Holy Spirit, God can reside within any person.”

Rick teaches that when good people die, they become angels.(293)

It is a gift. It is a gift God gives to those who are special…you will soon learn how to live on both sides of the portal. Father Giovanni will show you how when he teaches you the finer points of being an angel.

The Bible teaches that God created angels and that they are different from humans. When we die, we become higher than angels.         1 Corinthians 6:3

For many reasons, this book teaches a different gospel and a different theology (what the author calls a renaissance theology). While the novel was written as fiction, the book contradicts many of the basic Biblical truths about the Christian faith. I have compared some of them here (but there are more examples which I have not listed.)

It is a good story, but I would not use it to inform my Christian faith, because it is not a Christian story.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR,Part 255.

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