Can I Ask You a Question by Preston Condra and Kelly Condra
Can I Ask You a Question by Preston Condra and Kelly Condra is an excellent resource for the Christian who wants to engage with other people about their faith in Jesus Christ. The authors share a variety of elements that can help a Christian have confidence in sharing their faith. These elements can help a person share Christ effectively with caring, clarity, and confidence.
Firstly, the authors address three fears that every Christian has about sharing their faith. The first fear that Christians have is “I don’t know what to say.” The second fear is “I don’t want to offend.” The third fear is “I can’t handle objections.” After addressing these fears, the authors do an equally great job addressing how simple the Gospel is and how easy it is to share this Gospel.
The definition of the Gospel (or good news) comes from 1 Corinthians 15:3-4:
“For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures”
The book uses 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 as the basis for presenting the Gospel. Using that text, the authors explain the five elements of the Gospel of Christ:
Who: Jesus Christ is God the Son, the one and only Savior of sinners, and the one and only way to salvation.
What: The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the cross for our sins, a substitute for the sins of mankind and taking upon Himself the wrath of God against sin.
Why: Jesus died for us because every human being is a sinner and under penalty of death for sinning against God.
How: A person can be saved from the penalty of sin by grace through faith.
Where: The source of the saving message is “according to the Scriptures.”
Can I Ask You a Question by Preston Condra and Kelly Condra can be purchased from GC2 Press. You can purchase a softback edition or a digital edition. Preston and Kelly are available to consult with church groups and other networks about personal evangelism. Using this book, they have been effective in training others in personal evangelism. They look forward to hearing from pastors and churches. I highly recommend them to lead your group or church in a training event. Preston and Kelly Condra cover much more material during the training event. Feel free to contact them on the Sufficient Word website.
Preston and Kelly Condra have written other books. These books can be found on the Sufficient Word website.
I have written reviews for some of his books. They include:
By Which We Are Saved by Preston Condra and Kelly Condra
I Have Some Good News by Preston Condra and Kelly Condra