Perfect Gift

Perfect Gift December 23, 2014

Perfect Gift

Perfect Gift

December 23, 2014 Year B

Every generous act and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights; with Him, there is no variation or shadow cast by turning. (James 1:17)

Have you ever received the bestgift? On television commercials talk about giving someone the perfect gift. “Get someone the gift that is perfect this Christmas,” they proclaim.

For me, there never really has been a gift that is perfect. Toys break, tools and clothes wear out, some gifts just don’t satisfy after a time.

Here, James is saying that the only perfect gift comes from above. God is the One Who gives the best gifts. Sometimes, He gives gifts we don’t expect. He can give us gifts we need, and even give us gifts we don’t want. However, they are always the best gift.

Application: I want to remember about the gift that God gave this Christmas – His Son Jesus Christ.

Prayer: God, thank You for reminding me of the Gift that was perfect which You gave this Christmas.

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