Generosity Blessing

Generosity Blessing January 5, 2015

Generosity Blessing

Generosity Blessing

January 5, 2015 Year B

A generous person will be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

(Proverbs 22:9, HCSB)

Blessings occur to rich people when they are generous to others. In other words, rich people are honored when they share their wealth. In today’s culture, we call that philanthropy. Enterprising entrepeneurs share what wealth they earned for certain causes. The rich man is happy not because he has wealth, but that because he is able to share it with those who need help the most. This proverb teaches that this should happen.

Application: God has given me some measure of wealth. How am I sharing that wealth with the poor around me?

Prayer: Father God, please teach me to be generous with my money. Not to earn a blessing, but to be a blessing to others.

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