Who You Gonna Call? My Troublebuster!

Who You Gonna Call? My Troublebuster! June 3, 2015

Who You Gonna Call? My Troublebuster!

Who You Gonna Call? My Troublebuster! is a simple thought Lectionary reflection from Psalm 20:1-9 on the way in which God can help me when I call.

June 3, 2015 Year B

Psalm 20:1-9

There is a saying from a 1980’s movie: “Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!” The idea from the phrase is that if you need help with your fear of ghosts, you need to call the Ghostbusters for help.

In the same way, if you need help with all kinds of troubles, you need to learn to call on God Who is the Troublebuster.

Who you gonna call in your day of trouble? (Psalm 20:1)

Coupled with this idea of calling on God is the kind of answers He gives.

He protects you (Psalm 20:1).

He sustains you (Psalm 20:2).

He accepts your offerings (Psalm 20:3).

He gives what your heart desires (Psalm 20:4).

He fulfills your requests (Psalm 20:5).

He gives victories (Psalm 20:6).

All of these answers are conditional. They can only happen if we ask God for help. We can’t trust in ourselves, our power, our strength. We can only trust in God to answer us in our time of trouble (Psalm 20:7). God is our Troublebuster. He is the One who can solve our troubles. We can stand firm because we know God will answer (Psalm 20:8). His answers don’t take long. He answers on the day we call Him (Psalm 20:9).

Who you gonna call when you have any trouble? My Troublebuster God!

Prayer: God, I thank You that You are my Troublebuster God. You are faithful to help  me when I have trouble.

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