Thirty Three Things (Video Edition)

Thirty Three Things (Video Edition) November 21, 2012

1. The Trunk Monkey

Combing two things all men love: cars and monkeys.


2. M. Ward – Chinese Translation

The greatest Johnny Cash song that Johnny Cash never sang. Charming and beautiful.


3. The Best of ESPN’s “This is Sportscenter” Ads


4. Economics Explained

If you’ve ever been bored sitting in Econ 101 you’ll enjoy this refreshing explanation by Yoram Bauman, “the world’s first and only stand-up economist.” I love how he differentiates between macro and micro: Microeconomists are people who are wrong about things in specific. Macroeconomists are people who are wrong about things in general.


5. Star Trek Cribs


6. Terry Tate, Office Linebacker


7. Dancing the Charleston to Daft Punk

This ingenious mashup of electronica and 1920s-era Charleston moves is one of my all-time favorite dance videos.


8. Funny Babies


9. A bamboo tumbleweed that clears landmines


10. Baby Argument


11. Bond vs. Bond


12. Coach, Wrong Ball


13. The Lamp

This classic ad by director Spike Jonze shows how advertisers exploit the power of anthropomorphism.


14. How Vikings Really Engaged in Swordfighting


15. Get Good Karma


16. The Geek King of Hip Hop — Move over Timbaland. The greatest hip-hop composer in music today is Ronald Jenkees, a brilliant, goofy white kid with wicked keyboarding skills.


17. First Crush


18. Procrastination


19. Rush Hour

Le Parkour is a physical art form developed by French actor/acrobat David Belle. This commercial for the BBC demonstrates displays Belle’s amazing prowess.


20. Brian Regan on Food Labels


21. Daily Affirmation


23. Life after death by PowerPoint

Comedian/engineer Don McMillian has a humorous video on the dumb things people do with PowerPoint. (HT: Presentation Zen)


24. Talk to the Fifth Guy I


25. Talk to the Fifth Guy II


26. Talk to the Fifth Guy III

A clever series of PSAs from the Florida Dept. of Health. My favorite line: “How would I describe Ben to you? The next Black Plague. They’re gonna say, ‘How did that happen? Was it rats?’ No, it was Ben over at Amalgamated. Responsible for the death of Europe.”


27. Bolero on a 5-string cello

A clever family of Brits play Ravel’s Bolero on a shared cello.


28. Karma for a Thief


29. Two chickens breaking up a fight between two rabbits.


30. Counseling in Two Easy Words

31. Dancing Lessons From James Brown

(I always thought “The Robot” was invented in the ’80s. Little did I know the Godfather of Soul was bustin that move back in the ’70s.)

32. The Epidemic on the Playground

33. Why People Should Stop Touching Monkeys

Flight of the conchords

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