J.R.R. Tolkien Killed a Beatles Lord of the Rings Movie

J.R.R. Tolkien Killed a Beatles Lord of the Rings Movie February 12, 2013

Can you imagine a Lord of the Rings movie starring the Beatles and directed by Stanley Kubrick? No? Well, neither could J.R.R. Tolkien:

Once upon a time, the Fab Four—having slain the pop charts—decided to set their sights on the Dark Lord Sauron by making a Lord of the Rings feature, starring themselves. One man dared stand in their way: J.R.R. Tolkien.

According to Peter Jackson, who knows a little something about making Lord of the Rings movies, John Lennon was the Beatle most keen on LOTR back in the ’60s—and he wanted to play Gollum, while Paul McCartney would play Frodo, Ringo Starr would take on Sam and George Harrison would beard it up for Gandalf. And he approached a pre-2001 Stanley Kubrick to direct.

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