Poem: “Purifying the House of Man”

Poem: “Purifying the House of Man” November 30, 2018

River and Mountains
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” — John Muir

Poem: “Purifying the House of Man”

At its healthiest the earth was a garden; a garden full of life and
peace. Every display of beauty was at its finest. Colors so vivid
and deep the eye became overwhelmed with imagination.
Streams teemed with all types of fish, Rainbow Trout,
the various Sunfishes and Minnows to name a few.
Varieties of Avian: The Cooper’s Hawk, European Sparrow,
Eagles and blackbirds filled the sky with their brothers and sisters.
The Grizzly played with the Grey Wolf and the Mastodon with the
Sloth. Now creation has become sick and dilapidated from disuse and abuse.
Poisons fill the atmosphere and violence pollutes all the earth.
Only heaven can bring cleansing, a purification that comes with the
appearance of the Son of God.

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