The door to the broom closet keeps getting more and more open…
As I’ve discussed here and here, I’m not one for wearing my religion on my chest. I don’t like it when religious conservatives inject their religion into the workplace and I don’t want to do the Pagan equivalent of that. If people ask, I tell them I’m a Unitarian Universalist and leave it at that.
Today at work one of our Human Resources managers stuck her head in my office. I thought she might have found one of the job descriptions I’m looking for, but instead she said “hey, I saw you at Winter Solstice – you were the Druid!”
Yep, that was me!
Turns out she’s a member of the Center for Spiritual Living who was attending her first Winter SolstiCelebration. We had a short but pleasant discussion of the Solstice and some of the work going on at the Cathedral of Hope. And then she went on to a meeting with someone down the hall and I went back to the project I was working on.
I work for a company that doesn’t always do the right thing, but that never does the wrong thing. They would never discriminate against someone because of his or her religion – at least not overtly. But get labeled as a flake and your future becomes rather limited. On the other hand, I think I’ve already shown I don’t fit the image of an all-business all-the-time executive, so I’m not sure what I’m worried about.
The truth always comes out, eventually. I’m rather enjoying it. And I’m thankful for that, because I know not everyone can.