

The Solitary Ritual Series

Holidays and holy days are better with friends and family. But many Pagans maintain solitary practices. Even if you work with a group, sometimes you can’t be with them for one reason or another. And sometimes your group meets on a convenient day but you feel the need to celebrate on the exact day. This is a series of rituals for the Wheel of the Year that can be done on your own.


Winter Solstice


Ostara – the Spring Equinox


Summer Solstice


Mabon – the Fall Equinox


Composing Your Own Rituals

A Pagan Ritual Outline

Common Ritual Errors and How to Avoid Them

The Challenges of Large Public Rituals

Lessons From a First Ritual

Planning Special Rituals

Composing Initiation Rituals


Unitarian Universalist Rituals

Be The Light – A UU Chalice Lighting: A UU chalice lighting for the Sunday after the 2016 election.

A Service of Reconsecration: A ritual used to reconsecrate the sanctuary of the Denton UU Fellowship in the aftermath of arson and a long rebuilding process.


Other Rituals

A Ritual to Remove Curses We Place On Ourselves: We don’t talk much about curses we place on ourselves. Most times we don’t realize what we’re doing even after it’s done. But they happen – I’ve done it myself. This is a ritual to remove them.

A House Cleansing Ritual: Lots of Pagans do house cleansings. This is my way.

Ancestor Communion Ritual: An ancestor communion ritual suitable for Pagan groups, religiously mixed groups, or individuals.

Devotion to Danu: A devotional communion to and with Danu, Mother Goddess and Lady of the Waters.

A Weekly Ritual of Focus and Protection: A ritual to help you focus your attention on the bigger picture – on the work your Gods and ancestors have called you to do.