December 24, 2023

While I’ve come to accept that sometimes the Pagan community just doesn’t care about something as much as I do, there are times when I find myself screaming “this is important! Why are you not reading this?!” Read more

December 20, 2023

Dark academia and secret societies, free will and fate. Witches, vampires, Tarot, and poison. What would you do to make your dreams a reality? Here are the top five novels I read in 2023. Read more

December 17, 2023

You know that feeling you get on the last day of vacation? You’ve still got today to enjoy, but it’s a bittersweet feeling knowing that what you looked forward to and have enjoyed is coming to an end. That’s how I feel at the Winter Solstice. Read more

December 14, 2023

What we thought Paganism would become 10 years ago isn’t happening, and the future of Paganism is very much undetermined. It will grow out of what we do. It will be what we make it. What do you want to make it? Read more

December 11, 2023

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the question of how we know what we know. How do we know what we know – what we think we know – about the many Gods? We will never know with certainty, but certainty isn’t required. Read more

December 3, 2023

The older I get, the more losses I’m experiencing. Things I thought would last forever, aren’t. Progress I assumed would continue, isn’t. People I expected would outlive me, haven’t. Some of this is the reality of being 61. Some if it is the times we live in. Some of it is… more. Read more

November 29, 2023

This book is exactly what you would expect from someone who is a witch and an aromatherapist, and who also has a background in executive security. Amy Blackthorn knows the mundane and magical sides of protection and she shares her knowledge of both in this concise guide. Read more

November 26, 2023

A Christian blogger is promoting “freedom from witchcraft.” I say he has it backwards. Witchcraft IS freedom. Read more

November 19, 2023

I don’t know what I’m going to do when I’m no longer tied to a corporate job for 40+ hours a week. But this much I do know: the many Gods, my oaths, and my practices have built a foundation for what I will do in the future, and what I am doing in these present years of winding down and starting up. Read more

November 16, 2023

If thoughts of the holidays and their traditions fill you with anxiety and dread, I encourage you to take an honest look at the traditions you’re following, and then actively choose which ones you do and don’t want to continue. Read more

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