
Devil-Palooza June 23, 2016

Last month, I was able to experience one of the weirdest, most awesome moments of my life. It was an event called The Devil-Palooza, which sounds like something my mother made me promise never to go to when I was growing up. It was 2 hours of some of the most prominent Christian leaders and theologians talking about Spiritual warfare on a Malibu roof top.

You know, the kind of stuff that people talk about on Malibu roof tops.

Yes it was super hipster (I felt like we were just a couple of clicks away from being at a speak-easy), but also an incredibly helpful conversation about all the stranger stuff in the Bible that we don’t talk about that much these days.

So people like Greg Boyd (author of God at War), Richard Beck, Tony Jones, and N.T. Wright, were all hashing out what the Bible has to say about the Devil and spiritual warfare in a joint podcast with my frenemy Luke Norsworthy and Tripp Fuller (the host of the Homebrewed Christianity podcast)

Hence the title.

So please enjoy the video, and Mom, no, don’t worry there were no pentagrams there.

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