The Fear of Dying: You’re not alone

The Fear of Dying: You’re not alone March 13, 2017

Today’s vlog is all about “The Fear of Dying:  You’re not alone”.  Some people are so afraid of dying, that they obsess over the thought of their actual demise every single day.  How stressful must that be, thinking about how and when they are going to die!  In order to resolve this fear, we must first address the root of it!  If you’re afraid of the big “D” word, then this video is for you!  Thanks to Sylvia for the most amazing question.

She writes:

Hi Jay,

I have been wanting to ask a question, but am afraid of the answer.  Here it goes:  I’m terrified of dying and I think of it all the time.  When I do dishes, when I have friends over, when I’m with my children.  Why am I so afraid and why do I think about it all the time!  Thank you Jay!


Have a burning desire to ask me a question?  Please do so in the comments section below this video!

Photo credit:   Strudel by Pixel2013 @ Pixabay

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