February 16, 2017

Do all Souls who cross over to the other side want to remain there?  I used to think so, until I learned that Souls can recycle back into this lifetime!  How do we know this for sure and why does that happen?  If you’re wondering, then this video is for you!  Thanks to Moe who asked the greatest question! “I was wondering why some people can’t connect with their beloved ones …could it be they have come back in some... Read more

February 13, 2017

Can Spirits give us signs and messages through Social Media posts or other means?  Is it possible that our loved ones are helping us heal from the other side with the messages that they send us through online posts?  This week’s Just Ask Jay is all about Online Spirits:  Social Media Messengers from Beyond! Hopefully a simple, quick question, can spirits communicate through social media? For example: I get a poem sent to me daily since a loved one has... Read more

February 9, 2017

Ever wonder who’s visiting you spiritually speaking? Is it your Mom, your sister in law, or a spirit you’re unfamiliar with?This week’s Just Ask Jay is all about “Who’s Visiting”!  Thanks to Michele Roy Cyr who asked the greatest question! Hi Jay…  One day last week, as I was waking up, I felt the bed beside me move as if someone was getting up. I thought it was my husband, but when asked, he said it wasn’t him, as he... Read more

February 6, 2017

It seems like it was just yesterday when I met Maureen, a woman who didn’t trust a soul. Regardless of this, I knew I was up for the challenge, as I had the direct-line to someone that was waiting who had so much to offer her. Let me share the story. It was a beautiful spring day when three women arrived after a long drive from Toronto. I was overwhelmed by the simple fact that these women hired a driver... Read more

January 30, 2017

Are Spirits trying to get our attention when touching us physically?  What are they trying to tell us!  Do they just want us to know that they are there?  This week’s Just Ask Jay is all about “Touchy Feely Spirits”!  Thank you to Deb Ranger for this week’s amazing question! Hi Jay, Can we physically feel our loved ones touch after they have died. If so, are there certain circumstances or types of spirits that make this possible? Deb Ranger... Read more

January 23, 2017

Are murdered souls responsible for planning their own demise?  Are they restless on the other side or, do they become angry souls as a result?  This week’s video is all about what happens when someone’s life is taken from them.  Thanks to Amanda Jourdain for such an amazing question! Morning Jay – My daughter and I were discussing Spirits and the Afterlife this morning. And we discussed that each Soul, prior to coming into this world, makes its plan, we... Read more

January 16, 2017

Did someone you know or love bail out of their life’s contract and commit suicide?   Broken Agreements are on the uprise it seems and the souls left behind are the ones who really suffer the most!  I want to give Asbanaah, who had the courage to ask for some guidance with the loss of family through suicide, a great big hug for this week’s question! Hi Jay, I lost both my parents to suicide.  My mum when I was... Read more

January 9, 2017

Oracle cards!  What are they?  Can they really help guide you towards a better future?  Join me for Oracle Cards 101 on this week’s Just Ask Jay!  Thanks to Hailey for this week’s question. ORACLE CARDS  I am new to Oracle cards, I purchased a deck at the beginning of the month.  I have been doing readings on myself once every week and a half. At times, I have a pull to them out of the blue and I will... Read more

January 2, 2017

Do the dead spiritually tend to the details of their own funeral?   Do they care about the level of service they receive even after they’ve died?  I had an experience which makes me believe that they do!  A life changing reading for me, and I was the one doing the reading! I had been invited out of town to do readings from a friend’s office.  Jana, who I’d become very close to was very gracious in welcoming  me to... Read more

December 26, 2016

Do Souls speak a Universal language?  Can Mediums communicate with souls who don’t speak their language?  Find out, on this week’s Just Ask Jay!  A great big thank you to Natalie who asked this week’s question! Natalie Does spirit talk a universal language? Eg: does someone that talks only Finn communicate to you in Finn or in the language you can speak? Photo credit:  PublicDomainPictures @ Pixabay Read more

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