Spirits: Now you see them, now you don’t

Spirits: Now you see them, now you don’t August 19, 2016

Are there such things as shadow people?  What can the average “Joe” do to become more tuned in, what are orbs and what are their meanings?  Such AMAZING questions on this week’s Just Ask Jay!   It’s all about energy of the spiritual kind:  Now you see them, now you don’t!  

A big shout out to Val, Laura Lee, Linda & Lauren for asking such amazing questions!  Here they are.


Hi jay …I’m not sure if u can offer some help or insight but my daughter has been seeing shadow figures and white mists for a while now and she’s terrified of what’s going on and I’m not to sure what this means or what to do ….please help thank you

Laura Lee

How do we see spirits ? What can the average Joe do to become more in tuned to spirit?

Thanks a bunch !


Would like to know why we see orbs at the moment the pic is taken. Why is it there and the meaning?  Thank you in advance for your answer.


My question is: can spirits be in more than one place at a time, like present with me and also with another family member in a different physical location at the exact same time?  Thanks! Love listening to you and learning from you.

Photo credit:  Adobe Stock

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