Day 21: Lent for my Kansas-Sky Horizons

Day 21: Lent for my Kansas-Sky Horizons March 10, 2016

We drove to Kansas for dinner, and after a heavy rain, the clouds were hanging low on the horizon, the sun setting to meet them.

For a minute I could see heaven, and I wanted to run to it.

Those far off billowing clouds were calling to something in me.

A friend the other day said that maybe heaven will be without sin, but a world just like this one in which we work and breathe and maybe struggle a little.

If I get to see clouds like that and feel alive to God and myself like this, I’m in.

I’m praying to see more of those horizons, to be reminded of my own skin and its place within heaven’s realms.

So, Lent is for visions and reminders and clouds that billow so well they bring eternity back to us and teach us to long for it all over again. 


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