Taste and See a Media Apostolate

Taste and See a Media Apostolate May 21, 2012

Tomorrow (Tuesday) night at the Catholic Information Center in Washington, D.C., I will be chatting with Austen Ivereigh, co-founder of Catholic Voices, an apostolic media effort to facilitate more Catholic voices in the media — that, is Catholics who want to make the case for the Church in the public square. I have actually spent the weekend with Austen, and his co-founder, Jack Valero, at the first training of Catholic Voices USA, with young people from the New York, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia areas. Catholic Voices is a wholly Christian endeavor, seeking to much more instructively engage debates on neuralgic issues that we’re typically used to.

Austen has a new book out, How to Defend the Church without Raising Your Voice, from Our Sunday Visitor. Come by, listen to our conversation, meet Austen, buy the book. He is an impressive, inspiring chap, who comes across the pond with a love of the Holy Spirit (this is the season!) and a brilliant accent, too.

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