The Light that Comes from Knowing and Loving God Can Change the World

The Light that Comes from Knowing and Loving God Can Change the World October 29, 2012

Peter Murphy, who heads the evangelization and catechesis office at the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and has been in Rome for the better part of this month, sums up a goal of the just wrapped-up synod on the New Evangelization:

It is so important that we help Catholics experience Christ … to really have a personal relationship that depends their faith. So that that desire, that enthusiasm, that confidence that comes from that encounter can help propel them to deepen their faith and then share it with others. That way we can affect politics, we can affect culture, we can affect law … university life. There are so many ways the laity can affect the new evangelization in their own workplaces.

Watch his brief interview with Francis X. Rocca of the Catholic News Service here.

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