Buy This Book! "The Church and New Media" Is for Everyone

Buy This Book! "The Church and New Media" Is for Everyone October 3, 2011

Finally!  I really, really enjoyed my friend Brandon Vogt’s new book, The Church and New Media:  Blogging Converts, Online Activists, and Bishops Who Tweet.  So why did it take me so long to tell you that you need to go out and buy it?

Anyway, it’s truly a fantastic how-to guide to the new media.  I thought I knew my way around the Internet, but I’m still applying the information I gleaned from this very helpful book.

Writing about it for the Patheos Book Club, I said:

Were St. Paul alive today, he would most likely welcome the opportunity to use new media.  Paul wrote letters which were carried from town to town and painstakingly copied; but how much simpler would the transmission of the gospel have been, had Paul enjoyed access to podcasts and webinars, Facebook and Twitter and Google+!

The Church and New Media is a smorgasbord of great ideas, a valuable resource for newbies and experienced bloggers alike. It sent me back to the keyboard to promote my own blog via some of the new media outlets I’d neglected. I’ve explored websites new to me, soaked up advice and inspiration from long-time writers, committed to participating more fully in the online Catholic community, and identified potential new readers.

I said more than that, though:  I listed the many well-known contributors, led you to the companion website, and more.  Go read my full review at the Patheos Book Club.  Here’s the link!

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