New York Times Publishes Full-Page Anti-Catholic Ad

New York Times Publishes Full-Page Anti-Catholic Ad July 3, 2014

“Dogma should not trump our civil liberties.”  That’s the UN-civil message from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) in a full-page ad which appears in the front news section of today’s New York Times.

Pictured at the top is birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger, the racist, atheist founder of Planned Parenthood whose motto was “No Gods – No Masters.”  The ad criticizes the “all-male, all-Roman Catholic majority” of the Supreme Court who voted to protect Americans’ religious rights in the Hobby Lobby case–accusing them of “putting religious wrongs over women’s rights.”

According to the FFRF website,

“Allowing employers to decide what kind of birth control an employee can use is not, as the Supreme Court ruled, an ‘exercise of religion.’ It is an exercise of tyranny. Employers should have no right to impose their religious beliefs upon workers,” reads the ad.

“Dogma should not trump our civil liberties.”

Perhaps the atheists would tame their histrionics a bit if they realized that Hobby Lobby’s owners have always, in fact, covered the cost of no fewer than sixteen different contraceptives for their employees.  According to the National Review, the following drugs–including oral birth control–have always been offered free of charge to Hobby Lobby employees:

  1. Male condoms
  2. Female condoms
  3. Diaphragms with spermicide
  4. Sponges with spermicide
  5. Cervical caps with spermicide
  6. Spermicide alone
  7. Birth-control pills with estrogen and progestin (“Combined Pill)
  8. Birth-control pills with progestin alone (“The Mini Pill)
  9. Birth control pills (extended/continuous use)
  10. Contraceptive patches
  11. Contraceptive rings
  12. Progestin injections
  13. Implantable rods
  14. Vasectomies
  15. Female sterilization surgeries
  16. Female sterilization implants

The only contraceptives which Hobby Lobby’s owners specifically refused to provide were Plan B, which is also known as the “morning after pill”; Ella, another emergency contraceptive; Copper Intrauterine Device; and IUD with progestin.  All of these forms of birth control can, in some instances, cause abortion or are themselves akin to abortion.

*     *     *     *     *

The New York Times has, in its Statement of Standards and Ethics, affirmed its commitment to truth.  That Statement reads, in part:

The core purpose of The New York Times is to enhance society by creating, collecting and distributing high-quality news and information. Producing content of the highest quality and integrity is the basis for our reputation and the means by which we fulfill the public trust and our customers’ expectations.

But in fact, The New York Times has accepted the advertising dollars of the Freedom From Religion Foundation to publish a blatant untruth, and a political screed against the Catholic Church.

No big deal?  Just get over it?

Take a look at the advertisement itself.  Get your highlighter pen and mark the rhetoric–charges like:

  • “zealous fundamentalists”
  • “an exercise of tyranny”
  • “growing dangers of theocracy”

Those humorless guys at FFRF may be “dismayed and alarmed”, but try using the same inflammatory rhetoric to express one’s disagreement with a person of another race, or of the Muslim faith.  Sounds pretty discriminatory, doesn’t it?

Lucifer must be laughing.

Here, for your information, is the ad:

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