Reddit’s /r/Catholicism Will Close for Prayer on Thursday

Reddit’s /r/Catholicism Will Close for Prayer on Thursday January 16, 2015

One resource which I’ve found helpful as I scan the news each morning is Reddit’s subreddit for Catholics, /r/Catholicism.  It’s not uncommon to find there a little jewel, a story that hasn’t been told anywhere else.

But not next Thursday.

The /r/Catholicism moderator has announced that next Thursday, January 22, the subreddit will be closed in observance of the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.  Instead, they offer a list of ways that Catholics might consider spending their time instead.

Here, their announcement in its entirety:

Next week, Thursday January 22, 2015, we will be closing the subreddit in observance of the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. Those visiting the main page will find a message to this effect for the main part of the day here in the United States (in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), roughly 10 AM Thursday until 6 AM Friday).


The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops established this day of remembrance (which falls on Monday, January 23, in years where January 22 is a Sunday) to mark the date of the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the landmark abortion ruling. It is to be observed in all dioceses of the USA. (As /r/Catholicism is a global community, we certainly appreciate the solidarity other Catholics will show for us on this day.)


Here are some ways we’d like to encourage redditors, both residing in the United States and not, to observe this time next week. Pray about which ones you may be called to do:

SACRAMENTS    Assist at Holy Mass, receiving communion if properly disposed.  ~  Reconcile with God in Confession.

PENANCE    Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

MERCY    Do corporal and spiritual works of mercy.  ~  Pray for every person you encounter who believes abortion is justifiable. This is very important, especially before any response.  ~  Pray for those people affected by and considering abortion, especially women in crisis in your own neighborhood.  ~  Pray for guidance from God the Holy Spirit and venture out into the rest of reddit to charitably discuss and correct what will likely be a lot of pro-abortion rhetoric on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  ~  Consider doing any related merciful work on social media if you believe it will be fruitful.  ~  Provide monetary or labor support to your local Catholic-run crisis pregnancy center.

SOLIDARITY   Attend a pro-life rally, vigil, or march, or other social justice event.  ~  Call, write to, or visit your legislators and government executives expressing your opposition to legal abortion.

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