May 17, 2014

Raise your hand if you remember this:  Simon and Garfunkel’s recording of the traditional hymn “Benedictus.” This hymn is a selection from the duo’s debut album, Wednesday Morning, 3 A.M.  It was arranged by Art Garfunkel and recorded on March 31, 1964, which would have been shortly before the duo rose to international fame.   Paul Simon is featured on Tenor and Guitar, while Garfunkel is on Stand-Up Bass and Counter-Tenor. The text, in Latin, is benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini (KJV: Blessed... Read more

May 16, 2014

When the IRS targeting scandal broke last year, officials in Washington attempted to cast the blame for its targeting of conservative groups on an IRS regional office in Cincinnati.  The IRS used glaring orange and yellow warning labels on files related to select conservative issues of concern for “tea party” organizations.   Now the scandal, which led to a charge of “contempt of Congress” for former IRS official Lois Lerner who blocked the investigation, has reached into Michigan.  Letters just... Read more

May 15, 2014

I know just how you feel. And now, the creative team over at Catholic-Link have created a digitally-animated video about the life of Saint John Paul II, in light of his canonization.  There are other videos available about his life, to be sure; but what this cartoon does in fewer than five minutes is explain WHY he is a saint. Garrett Johnson,  Catholic-Link’s English page administrator who is also the writer and producer of the video, explains:  When considering such... Read more

May 14, 2014

As Catholics gear up for the Pope’s planned trip to the Holy Land on May 25-26, authorities in Jerusalem–fearing attacks by Jewish extremists–have asked that a “Welcome” banner featuring Pope Francis be taken down. Police and the Shin Bet, the Israel Security Agency, have been concerned, according to Agence France-Presse, that Jewish extremists could increase attacks on Christian sites ahead of the pope’s arrival in an attempt to attract media attention.  In the face of roiling tensions, municipal officials felt... Read more

May 14, 2014

Father Robert Cormier, a New Jersey priest and author, has died in a tragic 1,000-foot fall from the top of Mount Hood. According to, the local Fox News affiliate in Jersey City: Sheriff’s office spokesman Pete Hughes said Cormier ascended Mount Hood’s south side with two others, one of whom suffered a leg cramp. Cormier continued alone and appeared to reach the summit before he fell near Eliot Glacier at the volcanic peak 50 miles east of Portland. A... Read more

May 14, 2014

Comedian Stephen Colbert had a decision to make. The self-described “America’s most prominent Catholic” is also, in his own words, its “foremost capitalist.”  So when Pope Francis talks about “redistributing wealth”, he experiences a crisis of faith–humorously described by Colbert as “Either the Pope is wrong, or God’s a commie.” So how does Colbert decide what to do?  He flips a coin! Colbert is a kind of Everyman, asking questions on behalf of us all.  His routine is funny, but... Read more

May 14, 2014

Archbishop Charles Chaput was a gracious tour guide on Tuesday, showing off his adopted city of Philadelphia to Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family. Archbishop Paglia and a team of Vatican officials were in town to begin preparations for the week-long World Meeting of Families, planned for September 2015 in Philadelphia. Tuesday’s guided tour included a stop for the delegation at the Liberty Bell and at Independence Hall, accompanied by Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and... Read more

May 13, 2014

Exciting news for underwater explorers: Underwater archeological explorer Brandon Clifford believes that he has discovered the remains of Christopher Columbus’ flagship, the Santa Maria, off the northern coast of Haiti.  The ship rests on a reef, just 10 to 15 feet below the water’s surface. If it does turn out that the discovery is the Santa Maria, it will be one of the most significant underwater archeological discoveries in history. The Santa Maria was the largest of Columbus’ three ships... Read more

May 12, 2014

LOOK CLOSELY AT THIS STATUE.   What do you see? To some citizens in the small town of Adrian, Michigan, this is an orgy. Apparently, though, that’s not what the artist intended.  “Blue Human Condition” by artist Mark Chatterley is, in the artist’s words, a depiction of our reliance upon one another.  Chatterley told the Huffington Post, “living today, we can’t do it alone — we rely on other people… to try to survive.”   Chatterley has worked for about ten... Read more

May 12, 2014

Collin Raye is a man of immense talent:  a country singer with 24 top ten records and sixteen #1 hits.  He’s been nominated ten times for Male Vocalist of the Year (5 CMA and 5 ACM). But it’s not Collin’s fame or fortune, not his successful music career or his business acumen which have shaped him into the man of God he is today. I knew this the first time I heard him tell his story, when I attended Ave Maria... Read more

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