INNER CIRCLE: The Hidden Treasure

INNER CIRCLE: The Hidden Treasure May 12, 2024

IMAGE: Keith Giles [MidJourney]

Saying 109

Jesus said, “The kingdom is like a man who had in his field a hidden treasure, of which he knew nothing. And after he died, he left it to his son. The son also did not know; he took the field and sold it. The man who bought it came and as he was plowing found the treasure. He began to lend money at interest to whomever he wished.”

This parable is about a man who owned a treasure but didn’t know it. He, like many of us, believed the lie that what we need is external to us. Religion teaches us to jump through hoops to earn God’s love, favor, acceptance and forgiveness – things we all already possess by nature of our inseparable Oneness with God. Philosophy teaches us that the truth and wisdom we seek is to be found “out there” somewhere, in a book, or at the feet of a wise guru or philosopher. These notions train us to believe that we are empty and what we need to fill us up is available in other people, or other places, or through other external sources.

In the parable, the man who owned the field – and therefore the unseen treasure – dies without ever searching within that field. His son inherits this way of seeing the world and he, too, fails to discover the treasure within the field, which is a metaphor for the inner self.

But the man who buys the field is the one who believes there is something of value in that field. He buys it from the son who does not see or believe in the abundance of wealth available to him in that field of the inner, true self. Once the man buys the field, he begins to dig. He looks within that field until he discovers what was always there: a great treasure that is so bountiful he is able to share the abundance with anyone he wanted to share it with.

So, what is the treasure? Is it truth? Is it love? Is it the reality of Divine Oneness?

Yes, it is all of those things. Because, in reality, they are all the very same thing. Divine Oneness awakens us to the inseparable connection we have with God and with everyone around us, which is powered by love, because God is love, and we are made in the same image of love. This is what connects us to everyone and everything.

This is the truth: we are one in Christ, and the love of Christ is what the Universe is made of.

Once we realize that everything we seek is already available to us; that everything is here and not out there; that there is not two, but one, then we have found this treasure that transforms us and everyone around us.

So, do not go searching for truth, or love, or acceptance, or connection outside of yourself. Look within your own field and discover it is filled with the greatest and most abundant treasure you could possibly imagine.

Within yourself you will find God, and in God you will find everything you need is already yours.


The newest book from Keith Giles, “The Quantum Sayings of Jesus: Decoding the Lost Gospel of Thomas” releases TODAY on Amazon. Order HERE>

Keith Giles is the best-selling author of the Jesus Un series. He has appeared on CNN, USA Today, BuzzFeed, and John Fugelsang’s “Tell Me Everything.” He hosts the Second Cup with Keith podcast, and co-hosts the Apostates Anonymous podcast, and the Heretic Happy Hour Podcast.

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