October 30, 2020

I’m very excited to announce an upcoming Christian Conference that I’ve just put together for early 2021. The lineup is off the hook. I’ve secured keynote presentations from people like Rob Bell, N.T. Wright, David Bentley Hart and Richard Rohr. But then a friend looked at this lineup and said, “Wow. That’s a lot of white men.” So, I also invited Dr. Cornell West, Kyle Butler, Derrick Day and Bishop Carlton Pearson to speak so we had a solid balance... Read more

October 27, 2020

I don’t need to tell you how dangerous Progressive Christianity can be. The results are all around us. Every day we are surrounded by examples of what can happen when people replace the original teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul with their own new ideas that threaten to eclipse the Truth of the Gospel. Many Progressive Christians actually rewrite the scriptures and change words in the Bible to support their new doctrines that cater to their flesh and affirm... Read more

October 21, 2020

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus is asked a question about divorce. His response turned the tables around on the Patriarchal males of the First Century and totally confounded his own disciples. Most American Christians completely misunderstand the entire conversation. In fact, they tend to quote the words of Jesus here as if it’s a universal statement about how to define marriage [it’s not], or they take the statement about adultery being the only criteria for divorce and weaponize it to ensure... Read more

October 15, 2020

It’s hard to make it through a single day without someone posting a video or an article about Quantum Spirituality these days. And I get it. This is a very fascinating topic. As scientists and physicists begin to explore recent discoveries in the realm of quantum physics and quantum entanglement, the implications for philosophy and theology are mind-boggling. For example, according to quantum science, it turns out that particles can be in two places at once, and that all matter... Read more

October 7, 2020

Honestly, this is a rhetorical question. But it does make me wonder what it will take for people to wake up and realize they’re not following Jesus anymore. Those who call themselves “Christian” today have forgotten that the word means “Christ-like.” So, they don’t stop to wonder why they’re following leaders who ignore Jesus, or why they believe things that Jesus contradicted, or why they reject the people Jesus embraced [you know, the poor, the outcast, the immigrants, the sick,... Read more

October 1, 2020

  [NOTE: The following is an excerpt from the soon-to-be-published book Jesus Unforsaken: Substituting Wrath With Divine Love To Satisfy God’s Atoning Nature by Keith Giles] As we rethink the cross and question the theological assumptions of Penal Substitutionary Atonement, the question “Why did Jesus have to die?” begins to come into sharper focus for us. We can see how our sins did not truly separate us from God and how this separation was only in our minds, as Paul... Read more

September 29, 2020

  “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! He’s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him.” [Matt. 27:42] I am starting to think that the word “saved” or the phrase “will be saved” in the New Testament isn’t always talking about salvation in the spiritual sense that we often assume it is. In other words, I think we have been conditioned to believe that when Jesus or Paul... Read more

September 25, 2020

  Someone approached me for a quick email interview for a course they were taking in Seminary about Church leadership, growth, etc. Here are my answers: What is your personal leadership style, gifts, strengths, spiritual gifts?  For 11 years in our house church, my style was to sit back and allow the Holy Spirit to lead the gathering and guess what? It worked! Sometimes my goal was to say nothing at all but to learn how to listen and pay... Read more

September 23, 2020

As someone who has come to accept the Biblical view of Universal Reconciliation, I need to respond to a common question I get from people which is: “How can bad people go to Heaven?” It’s not an easy question to answer, but there are 2 assumptions we need to correct off the bat: First, that there will be any “bad people” in Heaven. That’s not to say that those “bad people” won’t eventually enter into the eternal loving presence of... Read more

September 17, 2020

  In the backwoods of Missouri, there’s a barbed-wire encampment surrounded by miles of wilderness in every direction. If the cottonmouth snakes don’t kill you, the old-timer with a 12 gauge shotgun will if you cross his invisible boundary line and drift into his property. So don’t even think about trying to escape Mount Zion, a local Baptist boarding school for troubled teens. Just keep your head down, do as you’re told, and don’t step out of line, or you’ll... Read more

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