June 16, 2020

In my view, Jesus and Paul would have not gotten along well, and Jesus would have been dismayed by many of the concepts that Paul devised. No other individual shaped the Jesus story that morphed into the church more than Paul. Western Christianity is Pauline. Paul wrote his letters before the gospels were written, likely to have influenced the synoptic gospel writers. Jesus who would have been dumbfounded by the mythology and doctrine that grew up around his name. One... Read more

June 15, 2020

I need to confess something. I’ve had lots of black friends over the years but I never once asked any of them to share their experiences with racism, prejudice, or bigotry. I don’t know why. Maybe I wanted to keep my head buried in the sand. Maybe I was afraid of what I’d hear. Maybe I knew I’d feel compelled to act and didn’t really want to. Maybe I thought I couldn’t do anything about it. Maybe I didn’t think.... Read more

June 12, 2020

The famous historian, Howard Zinn in his masterful presentation at Boston University, just before his death, spoke about America’s “Holy Wars” and how there are three wars, specifically, no American is ever allowed to criticize. Those would be: The American Revolutionary War, the American Civil War, and World War II. The American Revolution can’t be spoken against, he theorizes, because it was about the founding of our nation. It was about freedom, and independence and religious liberty. The American Civil... Read more

June 9, 2020

  Kinda surreal to wake up and realize the President of the United States of America thinks your friend, Martin Gugino, is an agent provocateur for ANTIFA. But, my friend Martin is actually a 75 year old cancer patient who cares about others more than he cares about himself. That’s why he was out there protesting that day in Buffalo when armed police in riot gear threw him to the ground, cracked his skull and knocked him unconscious as blood... Read more

June 4, 2020

“White Privilege is a myth!” I hear many of my friends say. Those people always have one thing in common: They’re all white. So, in this article, I would like to expose the idea that White Privilege is a myth. Because it’s not. First of all, how do we define “White Privilege”? According to Francis E. Kendall, author of Diversity in the Classroom and Understanding White Privilege: Creating Pathways to Authentic Relationships Across Race, the basic definition is: “Having greater access... Read more

June 1, 2020

Our world is on fire. We can’t escape the images of hate on our screens. We can’t ignore the violence on our streets. We can’t pretend we’re not broken in profoundly deep ways. Not anymore. The mirror in front of our faces reflects back to us our own spiritual and moral bankruptcy. Our reflex – as it has always been – is to reach for the same familiar solutions that have failed us time and time again. But, if we’re... Read more

May 29, 2020

Please watch the video linked here. I want to say a few things about it and you’ll need to have watched it to understand everything I’m trying to say. Watched it? Good. Here’s my response: First of all, I agree with much of it. Honestly, being a cop is a difficult, challenging, and largely thankless job. Anyone willing to put themselves in harm’s way to “protect and serve” on a daily basis is worthy of our support and respect. There... Read more

May 28, 2020

And when we murder you, could you please protest peacefully? And when we choke your life away, please kindly refrain from outrage. And when we chase you down in the streets with our shotguns, please don’t try to run. Please stop and obey our simple commands. And when we press our knees into your throat for 9 minutes, please don’t take a knee during our National Anthem and ruin our football games. Things are not so bad, are they? Things... Read more

May 28, 2020

Once more, another unarmed black man is dead at the hands of a white man. This time, it’s a man named George Floyd. Once more, his murder was caught on camera. Without that cell phone footage, his death would have gone unnoticed by most of the world. The police report told a much different story. Those responsible for his murder would have gotten away with it had the video not been released to the public. As usual, there were protests.... Read more

May 27, 2020

  It’s probably one of the most ironic things about the entire Bible: Everything is leading up to one massive global same-sex wedding where Jesus will take the Church as His Bride and everything will culminate in the world’s largest same-sex [multi-sex] wedding feast of the Lamb. It’s true. Just read Revelation 19:6-9: The Marriage Supper of the Lamb 6 Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude, like the roar of many waters and like the sound of... Read more

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