June 20, 2013

Los meses de mayo y junio son el centro de la temporada de bodas. Las parroquias se llenan de actividad todos los sábados al acercarse hombres y mujeres al altar de Dios para intercambiar votos en presencia de sus seres queridos y un sacerdote o diácono. En la mayoría de bodas los novios eligen una lectura del libro de Génesis que revela cómo Dios creó hombre y mujer el uno para el otro y que el hombre deja a su... Read more

June 15, 2013

The months of May and June are at the heart of the wedding season.  Parishes are bustling with activity every Saturday as men and women approach God’s altar to exchange vows in the presence of their loved ones and a priest or deacon.  At most weddings the bride and groom choose a reading from the Book of Genesis which reveals how God created man and woman for each other and  that a man leaves his father and mother to become... Read more

June 2, 2013

  Durante el verano de 1263, Pedro de Praga viajó a Roma llevando consigo muchas dudas sobre su fe y su vocación sacerdotal.  Fue en una peregrinación para rezar junto a la tumba de San Pedro. Después de recuperar sus fuerzas espirituales y calmar sus dudas, Pedro inició su viaje de regreso, descansando por la noche en la localidad de Bolsena al norte de Roma. Temprano en la mañana antes de celebrar Misa en la tumba de la mártir Cristina... Read more

June 2, 2013

  During the summer of 1263, Peter of Prague traveled to Rome on a pilgrimage to pray at the tomb of Saint Peter bringing with him many doubts about his faith and his vocation as a priest.  After regaining his spiritual strength and calming his doubts, Peter began his journey home, stopping in the village of Bolsena north of Rome for the night. Early in the morning, before celebrating Mass at the tomb of a local 3rd century martyr Saint... Read more

June 1, 2013

This morning Bishop Gregory Hartmayer OFM, Conv. of Savannah ordained three men to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ at the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. Father Jacob Almeter will be serving at Saint Anne Parish in Columbus. Father Avery Hanna will be serving at Saint Mary on the Hill in Augusta. Father Kevin O’Keefe will be serving at Sacred Heart Warner Robins. The whole diocese gives thanks to Almighty God for this great blessing.  Father O’Keefe, parishioner of Saint... Read more

May 22, 2013

Last week we celebrated a very special day for all mothers.  At one of the Masses at my parish we invited all the men to come forward to recite a beautiful poem together.  Afterwards the men presented a copy of this poem about the beauty of motherhood to their mothers or wives.  During the month of May we not only give thanks to God for our mothers and other significant women in our lives, but also traditionally dedicate the whole... Read more

May 18, 2013

One of the greatest poems ever written, ends revealing to us that God is “the love that moves the sun and all the other stars.”  God kindles the fire that rages within the sun, He is the hearth that gives life to all things and sustains them in being; He is the burning passion that gives meaning to life and makes all things worthwhile.  “God is the love that moves the sun and all the other stars.” This great poem... Read more

May 15, 2013

The 2011 Church Statistic Yearbook was released a few days ago.  Here are a few interesting and hopeful statistics:   – The number of Catholics in the world increased from 1.196 million in 2010 to 1.214 million in 2011, an increase of 18 million faithful.  The greatest growth occurred in Africa where Catholics increased by 4.3%. – Catholics make up 16.0% of the population of Africa, 48.8% of the Americas, 10.9% of Asia, 23.5% of Europe and 0.8% of Oceania.... Read more

May 11, 2013

Governor Deal of Georgia passed a law at the end of April that may make it impossible (or at least much harder) for the undocumented to marry in the Church. In order to receive the Sacrament of Marriage in the Church, the couple must secure a wedding license at the local courthouse or present a legal marriage certificate.  Since it is not necessary to show one’s legal status to get a marriage license, most undocumented immigrants have used their passports... Read more

May 7, 2013

Ever since celebrating First Communion at my parish last Saturday, I’ve been remembering my own First Communion.  It happened on April 20th, 1991, at Santa Maria Reina Parish in San Isidro (Lima), just six days before leaving Peru.  My parents had already decided we would leave Peru, but chose to stay till after my first communion so I could receive it with my friends from school. On the last page of a book with my first communion pictures and memories I wrote... Read more

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