Living soul

Living soul March 2, 2010

Yahweh breathed into Adam’s nostrils and he became a living soul.

According to the Song, it’s the fruity breath of the beloved that enlivens the lover (7:8).  Keel notes that apples were considered an aphrodisiac in the ancient world.

Soul is desire in Scripture.  Having received the breath of life from Yahweh, Adam became a living soul – that is to say, a hungry and thirsty soul.  But when he saw Eve, he came alive in a new way, his soul was renewed.  (Dante wasn’t so far off!)

And then, as I believe I’ve written before, you have the Hebrew pun on “fragrance” ( re-ach ) and “spirit” ( ruach ).  The fragrance of the beloved’s breath is, as it were, life-giving spirit.

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