Florilegium of Danielou

Florilegium of Danielou March 6, 2012

Some early spring flowers from Danielou.

“In the gradual unfolding of God’s design, there appears a system of analogies between his successuive works, for all their distinct self-sufficiency as separate creative acts. The Flood, the Passion, Baptism and the Last Judgment are closely linked together in one pattern. In each instance, though at different levels, there is a divine judgment on the sinful world, and a divine clemency whereby aq man is spared to be the beginning of a new creation. Hence arises a new kind of symbolism, which is characteristic of the Bible. It specific difference is historicity, for it denotes a relationship between various events belonging to sacred history.”

Jesus is “the action of God coming towards man to save him and lead him to the Father. In Him, therefore, is revealed the fullness of the mystery of God’s love. But He is also the Man who, raised up by God, mounts towards the Father and thus fulfills the vocation of man. He is at once – let us repeat – the movement of God towardes man and the movement of man towards God.”

“The eschatological times are not only those of the life of Jesus, but of the Church as well. Consequently, the eschatological typology of the Old Testamament is accomplished nopt only in the person of Christ, but also in the Church. Besides Christological typology, therefore, there exists a sacramental tyology, and we find it in the New Testament.”

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