Burning eyes

Burning eyes April 23, 2012

When Jonathan eats honey during the battle, his eyes are “brightened” (1 Samuel 14:27, 29; Heb. for “brightened” is ‘or ).

By eating honey, his eyes burn like lamps. By eating honey, his eyes burn like the flames of Jesus’ eyes (Revelation 1:14), eyes that illuminate dark places, eyes that flash out in judgment against the wicked. By eating honey, Jonathan becomes a replica of the divine warrior.

By eating honey , all this happens. Jonathan takes honey from the land; through his courageous faith, the land begins to be transformed again into what it’s supposed to be, a land flowing with milk and honey.

But now we can add: If honey turns eyes into lights and flames, and if the land is full of honey, then the land is given to make Israel as a whole into a nation of lampstand, the people of the burning eyes.

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