Making David King

Making David King March 15, 2010

1 Chronicles 12 is a little book of numbers, listing leaders of each tribes and the numbers of “mighty men of valor” that accompany them.  They assemble with their “weapons” (vessels) to make David King (v. 22).  It is reminiscent not only of the census of Numbers 1-2, but of the enumeration of offerings in Numbers 7, where leaders  of each tribe bring tribute to Yahweh, vessels for the service of the tabernacle.

The big difference between the passages has to do with the king whose kingship is being acknowledged.  Numbers 1-2, 7 are part of the ritual of Yahweh’s coronation; 1 Chronicles 12 is about David’s coronation.  Since David is Yahweh’s prince, His son, the ceremonies are naturally similar.  The tribes offer Yahweh vessels for the service of His house; the tribes offer David weapons and men of war for the service of his house and the land.

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