8 Worrisome Myths About Divorce And Annulments Most Catholics Don’t Realize Are Bogus

8 Worrisome Myths About Divorce And Annulments Most Catholics Don’t Realize Are Bogus July 29, 2016

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Image Courtesy of iStockPhoto.com, CC

2.    Divorced Catholics Cannot Receive The Sacraments Until They Receive An Annulment

False. If you are civilly divorced without an annulment, but you are in a state of grace, you are welcome and encouraged to attend Mass and other parish functions and receive the sacraments as often as you can.

What prohibits a divorced Catholic, or anyone for that matter, from receiving the Eucharist is not being in a state of grace due to grave sin. Anyone – married, never-married, widowed, divorced, religious – who is not in the state of grace due to grave sin is prohibited from receiving Holy Communion (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1385). This is a standard set forth for us all.

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