Struggling With Loneliness After Divorce? Here Are 4 Great Ways To Use The Gift Of Time Wisely

Struggling With Loneliness After Divorce? Here Are 4 Great Ways To Use The Gift Of Time Wisely August 2, 2016

Image by Brand X Pictures, Thinkstock.Com, CC
Image by Brand X Pictures, Thinkstock.Com, CC

1.     Go to Mass

Going to mass is a great way to remind yourself that you belong to a family, your Catholic family in the Church. You are an important part of something big. Weekday masses, especially, tend to be quiet and great for reflection.

If you work a Monday-Friday work week, try to add a Saturday morning Mass to your weekly schedule. It will give you another opportunity to worship and also to make additional connections at your parish. If you work on weekends, choose a day during the week to add an additional Mass to your schedule. Try to keep the same schedule weekly so you can begin to see some of the same people.

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