A Time To Grow: Finding Reasons To Be Thankful When You’re Not Thankful

A Time To Grow: Finding Reasons To Be Thankful When You’re Not Thankful November 22, 2016

Image by maurafay, Pixabay.Com, CC
Image by maurafay, Pixabay.Com, CC

Well, this is the week. Thanksgiving is in a few short days with the month of December and all it’s preparation for Christmas right behind, and you just might be finding yourself already in an emotional tug of war… Thoughts of the office parties, family gatherings and other celebrations can leave you feeling lonely, angry, depressed and discouraged.

But for now, this is the week you’ve got to show up with a smile on your face and try to enjoy your Thanksgiving celebration. How will you handle the situations that will drag you down the most? You know, like seeing that relative who just recently got married and is bubbling over with joy? Or possibly someone you haven’t seen in a long time who will make you feel terrible about your divorce? Could be that person who wants to set you up with someone who is “perfect for you?”

Allow me to offer you a way to turn this around, because I’ve been through many holidays feeling this way and I’d like to help you avoid the experiences I’ve had.

A Time To Grow

I personally struggled every Thanksgiving after my husband left, even years later when time had distanced me from that terrible event. What helped me transcend this struggle was actually quite simple, but I had to put forth some effort and work at it. Kind of like when your muscles are sore but you have to use them anyway, you know? It hurt and it was uncomfortable, but I knew I had to do it.

I had to peel away all the layers and strip it down to the very basic part of the reason for celebrating Thanksgiving, which is being thankful for what I had. I could focus on what I didn’t have, but then the day would be ruined. So I just started being thankful for the things I did have. No matter how bad your situation is, if you are alive and breathing, you have a reason to be thankful.

So, I’m sharing this brief prayer with you, just in case you are struggling to find reasons to be grateful or hopeful.

For the gift of waking up this day, I thank you, Lord.
For the gift of my sight and being able to speak and hear, I thank you, Lord.
For the gift of your glorious nature and the beautiful world I live in, I thank you, Lord.
For a roof over my head, even if it isn’t mine, I thank you, Lord.
For the gift of free will and the ability to make my own choices, I thank you, Lord.
For the gift of my faith, I thank you, Lord.
For the gift of knowing what it is like to love, I thank you, Lord.
For the gift of my children and the opportunity to be a parent to your precious souls, I
thank you, Lord.
For the gift of experiencing life as a child, brother or sister, parent, aunt, uncle or
cousin, grandmother or grandfather, I thank you, Lord.
For the gift of my friends who love me, I thank you, Lord.
For the gift of experiencing a little of what you suffered for me as I carry my cross, I
thank you, Lord.
For the gift of the good things you will bring out of my suffering, I thank you, Lord.
For the ways you will change my heart and help me become a better person because
of what’s happened, I thank you, Lord.
For the little triumphs as well as the big ones, I thank you, Lord.
For forgiving me, for saving me, and for not forgetting about me, I thank you, Lord.
For calling me by name into existence out of all eternity and giving me a purpose in
life, I thank you, Lord.
For loving me with the most perfect love anyone could ever experience, I thank you,
For the promise of eternal life with you in heaven, I thank you, Lord. Amen.

You will be in my prayers as we head into the holiday season!

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