Faith in a Time of Pandemic – Living in a Wondrous Universe

Faith in a Time of Pandemic – Living in a Wondrous Universe August 8, 2020

The Awesomeness of the Universe

“Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades, or loose the cores of Orion?” (Job 38:41)

We are the children of the universe. The wonder of life does not lessen our pain and grief or concern about the pandemic but place them in a much larger story. We are children of the cosmos. God’s spiritual and moral arc in moving and evolving through us and the galaxies. God is energizing the adventures of the cosmos, along with our adventures of ideas and moral evolution.

The path of the universe is filled with starts and stops, but it is still wondrous in its tragic beauty. We are small compared to the cosmos, but we are still important. Some cosmologists say that in an uncentered universe, every place is the center. Bonaventure and Nicholas of Cusa asserted that

God is a circle whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. Everything is centered in God. In God’s omnipresence, you are at the center of God’s care and so is everything else.

God stretches the spangled heavens and God’s wisdom energizes our cells and souls. Holy, holy, holy is the universe, its Creator, and us, God’s creation.
Listen to this version of “God Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens,”
Thank you for this wondrous world. For the heavens above and the spirit within. Let me bring beauty to my spot in the universe, glorifying you each day. Amen.

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