What Does the Bible Say About Borders?

What Does the Bible Say About Borders? November 24, 2024

Every single day we hear in the news and on social media about America’s open borders. In fact, border security was one of the main things that drove people to polls to vote this month. Regardless of what people believe or feel about the topic of borders, it’s always best to go to the scriptures to see what God has to say. So today we are going to look at what the Bible says about borders.

What does the Bible Say About Borders?
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Do We Really Need Borders?

If any of you have travelled internationally, you know that you must go through Customs, show your passport and follow the proper procedures for entering a foreign country. You cannot just walk into another country without following the proper procedures.

Are Borders Biblical?
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Some people feel as if borders aren’t necessary. They feel that we should just allow people go wherever they want to go without restrictions. However, borders are basically political boundaries that separate land masses for specific reasons and purposes. There are borders between countries, states, counties and cities and they are necessary entities for several reasons:


1.      Define Territory

Borders separate areas that are under the control of that area’s particular government. The borders establish the limits on any particular region’s sovereignty in order for its government to create and enforce laws.


2.      Maintain Law & Order

Without borders, we run the risk of lawlessness. You see, borders are important factors in maintaining peace, order, and prosperity. Borders serve to frame the distinction of the power that exists within its region’s boundaries.


3.      Provide Security

Borders are meant to provide the citizens within them a sense of security and peace. They also allow for the control of the movement of the people and goods throughout the area in order to combat the smuggling of weapons, drugs, and non-citizens.


4.      Preserve Identity

Many places within a particular border represent certain groups. For example, in the United States we have areas where Italian-Americans live, Chinese- Americans live, Amish-Americans live etc. Borders provide a way for these groups of people to distinguish themselves from other communities. What’s awesome about these regions is that the heritage, customs and talents of these specific groups can be celebrated and shared with others.


What does the Bible Say About Borders?
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5.      Reveal History & Antiquity

Borders also provide amazing accounts of history and antiquity that can be studied by others. A lot can be learned by what has happened and how things have changed within borders. This includes stories of takeovers, treaties, adversarial relations, alliances, greed, and even foolish governmental actions.

Borders serve a purpose that many don’t realize or want to consider. It’s easy to say that people should be entitled to go wherever they desire, but in the end, allowing that to happen can cause major disruption, confusion and even anarchy.


What Does the Bible Say About Borders?

The Bible actually has a lot to say about borders. In fact, it is God who created borders and He did so because He is a God of order. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:33 that “God is not the author of confusion but of peace…” God is methodical. Everything He does or creates is performed with a specific plan and purpose and borders are no exception.

Let’s look at some Biblical Facts About Borders:

Biblical Facts About Borders

  • Borders are spoken of over 40 times throughout the Bible in over 15 books
  • One of the first mentions of borders is found in Genesis 10:19 where the borders of Canaan are discussed
  • In Exodus 23:31 God sets the borders of Israel
  • In Deuteronomy 19:14 we see that borders were considered sacred

(To Learn More About the Bible’s Authenticity, Click Here)


Why Did God Create Borders?

God created borders for all the reasons mentioned above, but in Acts 17:26-27a we find the most heart-felt of all the reasons for God’s creation of borders:

“[God] has made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having pre-determined their allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, 27 so that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward Him and find Him.  (ESV – emphasis mine)

God loves us so much. When He created borders, His desire was for us to seek Him and move towards Him and ultimately find Him. He didn’t create borders to cause trouble, He created borders to draw us close to Him.

Did you notice what else these verses say? God chose every single person to live at a specific era of time within a specific place chosen by Him. This is profound to me.

We are all born at just the right time in just the right place as determined by the Lord. This fact is something that each of us should cherish and not take for granted. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that God does not have a specific purpose for you being here at this particular time in history. Let’s all make the most of it! As we read in Esther 4:14, “And who knows, perhaps you were born for such a time as this?”

(To Learn More About Your Identity in the Lord, Click Here)


Final Thoughts

Today we’ve seen what the Bible says about borders. If you are still against securing the border and want to allow anyone to come into your country without being vetted or without consequences of illegally entering, all I can say is, take it up with Almighty God. He is the One who created borders for our protection and safety, among other things.

Borders aren’t meant to be “mean” or “racist” – they are established for the good of the citizens who live within them. If someone desires to move across the border, they must do so the right and lawful way and with the best intentions.



I’d love to hear your thoughts! Please feel free to share your insights, experiences or questions in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

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