Is Your Heart and Home Ready for The Holidays Pt 2

Is Your Heart and Home Ready for The Holidays Pt 2 November 12, 2023

A table set for thanksgiving dinner
Is your home ready for the holidays? Pic: Olivie Strauss

The time has come to prepare our hearts and homes for the holiday season. Our last post gave us some ideas on how to prepare our hearts for the holidays. If you missed it, you can go back and read that one as well.

The most important part of the holidays is making sure our hearts are ready for this season, and that we understand why we celebrate and who we bring glory to during all of the festivities. However, many of us enjoy all that comes with preparing for those festivities. Some of us have been doing this for many years and for some, this is your first year being responsible for a home this holiday season. That is so exciting, and I remember everything about my husband and my 1st Holiday together. Such sweet memories. I even believe that if you are currently living at home with your parents, or in another situation, you can still prepare whatever space you have been blessed with.

What To Do First

Honestly, the first thing you need to do is grab your calendar or planner, I believe in paper form but whatever you will use, get it! Now, grab your favorite pen or choose a fun font. You need to mark down all the already planned events you know of in the calendar. Done! Great now, think if there is anything you want to host or plan for and pick your dates. Mark those down. Next, if you know of something but are not sure of the dates, go ahead and text whoever is in charge and get those dates and write them in. I am a firm believer in the planner. If you have everything in front of you then you can prepare and get more things accomplished.

To Do List

Now that you know all of your dates, you know what kind of time frame you have to prepare for those events. Next, get a small notebook and let’s figure out a to do list. Look at those dates and think about what you will be responsible for doing. Are you cooking, in charge of a craft, do you need to bring something, buy a gift, sending cards, need a special outfit or costume, are you hosting? Make a list of all of it. Think about how much time you will need for each thing and each aspect of those things. For instance, are you going to a cookie exchange? Your list should look something like this,

Cookie Exchange:

decorated Christmas cookies
Cookies anyone? Pic: yulian-karadzhov
  • Choose cookies to make.
  • Make shopping list.
  • Go shopping for ingredients.
  • Make cookies.

Those are all the aspects that will take time to do, so plug each aspect into your planner. For instance, if the cookie exchange is on a Saturday, then on the Monday before, choose your cookies and make a shopping list then decide when to bake (all in one day or multiple days). Then choose a day to go shopping that is before that day or days. Do this for all your events.


Don’t forget gift shopping. Make a list of who you need to buy for, give each person a budget and some ideas of what to get. I highly suggest wrapping as you go. I cannot begin to tell you how many times hubby and I have stayed up till 2 in the morning wrapping and putting things under the tree. Don’t be like us.

Cleaning And Decorating

list for cleaning each room
See this list at Titus Grove on FB

We have all of the festivities and activities planned, and we know when to prepare for all of the exact dates. Now we can look at how much time we have to prepare our home or space. Do you need to clean and declutter the house before you can decorate? Some of us do and by us, I mean me. Just being honest.

I also make a list for this. Are you catching on that I am a list person. When I don’t make a list, I don’t get anything accomplished. I look at what rooms I need to do and note everything that needs done then plan those out, then yes, that goes in the planner too.  I know we are already into November; I honestly started this mid-way through October. But there is still time to get the house cleaned up and ready to decorate if you are just getting started. You just have to plan. Check out this list at

Decorating the Home

Are you decorating just for Christmas? Do you need to decorate for Thanksgiving too? Do you have what you need, or do you need to go shopping? I think you know what I am going to say, yep you got it, make a list and

Lady wrapping Christmas gifts
Preparing your home for the holidays. pic: roberto-nickson unsplash

put it on the planner. Once you have what you need, pick a day that is clear, and you can devote to decorating then get to it! Make sure to clean up as you go along. It may take more than a day depending on what all you are doing. That is ok. I just suggest back-to-back days so that you get everything done and cleaned up. That way you don’t have things laying around for days. We learned this the hard way. You will have more time to enjoy your accomplishments and finished decor.

Extra Goodies

Some of my favorite extra goodies that I love and make the holidays special for us are the simple things.

  • Lighting holiday specific candles or using seasonal essential oils in our diffusers.
  • thanksgiving crafts with the kids
  • Hot Cocoa bar
  • Jingle bells on the doors
  • Grinch Day/meal
  • Christmas movies
  • Simmering fresh pot-pourri
  • Advent calendars
  • Evening devotionals
  • Paper snowflake making
  • light displays
  • Christmas parade
  • Window Clings
  • Cookies for Santa

We also have not so simple things like handprint tablecloth, gingerbread houses, sibling gift exchange, taking the siblings shopping, breakfast with Santa, Happy Birthday Jesus Party (we also have 4 birthdays in our home during December), journey to Bethlehem, and Christmas Eve service.

What Did I Forget?

A nativity set
Christ has come. Pic: Walter Chavez

I am sure I am forgetting something. You see, even though I have my lists and plans there is something I am sure that will pop up or that I forgot. One year I had to have foot surgery on December 23rd, that was unplanned and popped up. So, with everything we plan we also need to be flexible. The idea is not to be perfect but to have fun, make memories and glorify God.

I also would like to suggest you check out other bloggers for ideas and resources. Cas from Clutter Bug has a great holiday packet that has lists and more to help you prepare for the holidays. You can find it here she also has a podcast and videos that are fabulous for taking care of your home.

I Pray for You

I want to pray that you have a wonderful holiday season. I pray that if there is anything bringing you sorrow or pain during this time, that you find Peace and comfort in Christ. I pray that you, your friends and family are blessed, and I wish you happy moments and joy filled memories.


About L
LeAnne is the wife to 1 & mom of many! She & her husband of 27 years; Eric, live with 5 of their kiddos on a small farm where they imperfectly work, homeschool, parent, farm & try to live life to the Glory of God. You can read more about the author here.

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