June 29, 2004

From Language Log’s musings on The Da Vinci Code: (more…) Read more

June 29, 2004

Has there ever been a sequel so substantially superior to its predecessor than Spider-man 2 is superior to the first film? (more…) Read more

June 28, 2004

I’m already anxious to be done talking about this movie, but this is worthy of note. CT Movies has been swamped by a tidal wave of mail ranting about Peter Chattaway’s review of F9/11. (more…) Read more

June 28, 2004

Okay, I give up. I’ve spent more time on this review than any other review save The Passion of the Christ. It’s been a challenge. And I’m considering my posted review a work-in-progress, as there are so many nit-picky reviews of this movie out there. I don’t want to be merely redundant when it comes to the factuality (or non-factuality) of the movie. I want to focus on the spirit of the whole affair… what it is, and what it... Read more

June 27, 2004

Slippery, slippery, slippery that fellow is! Read more

June 25, 2004

My review of Two Brothers was originally published at Christianity Today. – There are at least ten good reasons to go see Two Brothers, especially if you take children along for the ride. It’s a delightful success thanks to … 1. Director Jean-Jacques Annaud. The director’s “grownups-only” films have been hit-and-miss affairs (The Name of the Rose, The Lover, Enemy at the Gates, Seven Years in Tibet), but his “all-ages” films are delightful, unusual, and exemplary. In 1988, he gave... Read more

June 25, 2004

My friend and colleague Peter T. Chattaway offers his view of Fahrenheit 9/11 at CT Movies today. At the same time, my good friend, and an exemplary film critic, J. Robert Parks has turned in a review. I’ve posted it on the Looking Closer film page. Read more

June 25, 2004

You’ll get more out of this film than you will out of Fahrenheit 9/11… because, for the most part, it’s true. (more…) Read more

June 25, 2004

Boasting equal parts Beatles-esque invention, Sonic Youth recklessness, and Neil Young fuzz-guitar solos, along with an invigorated passion for long instrumental diversions and some of Jeff Tweedy’s most provocative lyrics, A Ghost is Born surpasses my hopes for a grand follow-up to Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. I sat down and listened to it at rock-concert volume last night, and discovered that Wilco is far more confident, bolder, and possessed of a more cohesive vision on this album than on YHF. Poetry,... Read more

June 24, 2004

I haven’t even begun to organize my thoughts on Fahrenheit 9/11, but when I read this blog entry I found myself saying, Yep. Yep. Yep. This guy’s thoughts parallel my own experience from last night’s screening in Seattle, except that he was able to translate them eloquently into writing whereas it will take me a week to bring my emotions under control enough to write coherent thoughts about this film. But anyway… off the top of my head… here are... Read more

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