52 Weeks of Healthy Eating: Gut and Inflamation

52 Weeks of Healthy Eating: Gut and Inflamation April 4, 2021

This week, I want to talk about the gut’s role in inflamation.

What you eat is what you are. Food can impact systemic inflamation in the body. There are auto immune diseases that can lead chronic inflamation. Gastritis is one such condition where the lining of the stomach becomes inflamced. Gastritis is linked to a bacteria that causes ulcers in the stomach. Pain relievers and excess alcohol can contribute to gastritis.

Other inflamations are or can be normal respsonses to infection or injury. These inflamations can become chronic leading to a buildup of plaque in the arteries, increase risk of diabetes, increased risks of cancers and even mental health concerns like depression and anxiety.

C – reactive protein or CRP is a marker for inflamation in the blood. You can have your doctor test for CRP to look for a variety of medical conditions.

Another area of interest is the gut’s role in the dysfunction we see in the brain. For a while, I have been following the growing trend that links the gut to brain health, specifically with depression and anxiety. Our gut or gastrointestinal (GI) tract is very sensitive to emotion. Think about those times you get “butterflies” in you belly or feel nauseous under certain situations. To keep this very lenghty topic, short, I am going to give a very thumbnail sketch of what I have learned in several 6+ hour continuing education sessions on this.

Our modern lifestyle is not kind to our bodies and especially our guts. We are exposed to a variety of environmental toxins that disrupt hormonal functions in bodies. We eat too much sugar and we are regularly over stressed all the time. Stress though is a blanket term for a variety of conditions which can be physiolgical or psychological. Many of the work I do with my clients revolves around managing these factors, managing stress, reducing exposure to toxins and eating better. Other components that can help with inflamation are meditation, which does not have to be sitting on a cushion and thinking about nothing, though it can be this; as already mentioned, cleaning up diet; excercising and according to Kelly Brogran, “strategic supplementation – natural anti- inflammatorieslike polyunsaturated fats (evening primrose oil and fish oil), curcumin(the active compoonent of turmeric), and probiotics to name a few, can help promote a synergy of benefical effects”(https://kellybroganmd.com/from-gut-to-brain-the-inflammation-connection/)

With all of my clients, I promote an integrated medicine approach to health. To get you started on your journey to optimal health, there are three allied health professionals that I recommend to all of my clients, a Psychiatrist, Nutritionist and Therapist. Beyond this, one may also need to see an Endocrinologist for auto immune issues, a weight managment specialist, a Chiropractor, a personal trainer, an OB/GYN a Physical or Occupational Therapist and a even a Neurologist to name a few to help one figure out which component of their body is not working.

This week’s menu features a south of the border theme:

Beef Barbacoa with Cauliflower tortillas and a Chorizo and Cauliflower rice skillet.


Chorizo and Pepper Cauliflower Rice

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