Why We’re Dying A Thousand Energetic Deaths a Day

Why We’re Dying A Thousand Energetic Deaths a Day February 19, 2016

Why We’re Dying A Thousand Energetic Deaths a Day-food-food industry-foodie-organic-conventional-GMOs-hormones-antibiotics-cruelty-pollution-death-dying-agriculture-big ag-change-transform-spirit-prosperity is spiritual-it's spiritual to be rich-healthy-wellbeing-wellness-animal welfare- thrive-spirituality-pathos-energy-energy medicine-divine-unfolding-beauty-peace-joy-

You’ve probably died five hundred times already today and it’s not even lunchtime yet. How can I say that? Because many of us are entrenched in habits that leach life force from our every cell.

Let’s look at food, for instance, because it’s primal and close to our hearts (literally). You might think you’re doing yourself a favor by making an egg-white omelette for breakfast from bright white conventional eggs packaged in a plastic carton from GMO-fed, drugged up hens stored in dark factories that you crack open mindlessly and pop in your new non-stick pan greased with canola oil after you’ve disposed of the yolk. Now read this sentence again and see if anything strikes you as off. Off as in unnatural. Disconnected.

Now imagine a different scenario for your eggs: You’ve consciously chosen to purchase organic, pastured-raised eggs from your trusted farmer who knows that the best eggs are made by hens who can roam freely in fresh air and sunshine and eat their natural diet. There’s no need for antibiotics because the chickens have plenty of space to live and play. There’s no need for hormones because the chickens don’t need to grow at lightening speed to satisfy misguided consumers’ expectations and fatten the wallets of cruel factory farmers.


Nature knows best. And raising happy chickens in a healthy environment isn’t some Socialist dream; it’s common sense.

We need to get back to nature. What happened to thriving communities where people lived in a way that’s symbiotic and nurturing to all that is? We can tap into our genius any time we’re open to considering infinite possibilities.

Disruption and wholeheartedness go a long way in this new millennium. Creating a network of nutrition that’s profitable, sustainable, and spiritual can be done — and it will make us rich.

We are what we eat and how we digest it. Let’s nourish ourselves with the highest energetic values (counting caloric values is so last century). It’s all energy and it’s all connected. When we come to our senses, our intuition will be strengthened. We’ll be thriving a thousand energetic ways a day. Imagine where that will take us.


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