Hypnotherapy: Building a life I don’t have to retire from

Hypnotherapy: Building a life I don’t have to retire from August 5, 2022

I’m a hypnotherapist. It’s very much like being a witch, except I have a fully accredited diploma and get to be registered with lots of membership associations. I’m also advised not to fill the practise room with incense.

But it is like being a witch because I help people use their minds to meet their goals. This involves holding space, writing scripts, using my listening skills to understand what my clients need, and my intuition to ensure I facilitate their journeys in the right way.

It also feels wonderfully congruent with the rest of my life and skill set in a way my previous ‘day job’ in recruitment never did.

In this post, I spoke about my goal of building a life I don’t need to retire from. Part of the reason for this is my complete inability over the years to plan for the future with pensions and investments. Social psychology theory tells us the less money and resources someone has the less able they will be to think ahead. I guess that partly applied to me, but I also had a really weird relationship with money and wasn’t good at holding onto it (or even really asking people to pay me for things!)

The pandemic taught us all life is short.

I don’t want to wait to be happy, I want to be happy now.

And that’s where hypnotherapy comes in.

Luckily for me, practising on my fellow students meant they also needed to practise on me. Everyone has something they could be working on with hypnotherapy, but as a person whose body ‘check engine’ light has been on since 2007, hypnotherapy has revolutionised my life. Formerly travel phobic, I’ve travelled to three cities this year; and formerly medical phobic, I’ve interacted with healthcare professionals to treat conditions I’ve had for years. Plus, of course, the formerly mentioned weird relationship with money hypnotherapy has helped me kick.

But I’ve also learnt to focus more effectively and plan better.

So now I’m a qualified, registered hypnotherapist who can offer online appointments worldwide (except USA and Canada) via Zoom.

And that’s why I’ve been so quiet on Patheos this year!

The study and practise hours for a hypnotherapy diploma is extensive, especially when you’re also studying for a Masters degree in Psychology at the same time. I really wanted to hone my advanced skills too, so I spend time taking a few certificates in areas such as Parts Therapy, and Past Life Regression. I’ll talk more about these in further posts.

Operation ‘build a life you don’t need to retire from’ is in full swing.

And with my newfound self-marketing skills – you can view my hypnotherapy website here  and my hypnotherapy directory listing here. I’m great. Pay me to poke about in your brain!


About Katie Gerrard
Author of "Seidr: The Gate is Open" and "Odin’s Gateways", Katie Gerrard is a witch working as a hypnotherapist, yoga teacher and workshop facilitator. You can read more about the author here.

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