About Me

I’m an author, hypnotherapist, and workshop facilitator with lots of different interests and specialisms

In pagan circles, I’m most well known for writing the books ‘Seidr: The Gate is Open’ and ‘Odin’s Gateways’ both published by Avalonia Books.

I began my spiritual path as an initiated Wiccan. I went on to lead a coven within a High Priestex role for a decade.  Wicca was my witch home for many years but whilst I hold the practise and the people I’ve met very fondly, I no longer identify as a Wiccan.

I also don’t identify as a Heathen.

The term ‘Witch’ covers my practise well these days

Sometimes I’ll expand on this and say I’m an “intuitive witch”. Or I’ll call myself a pirate witch. I’ve explored the coast, picked up lots, and thrown what I don’t need over the side!

In 2022 I qualified as a Hypnotherapist and now work with clients online and from various locations in East Kent, UK (currently Canterbury, Faversham, and Ramsgate)

My hypnotherapy and psychology training has infused my witchcraft, and vice versa.

Drawing from my decades of witchcraft experience has created an intuitive, transformative hypnotherapy practise. And my witchcraft has benefitted enormously from my deeper understanding of the brain and my hypnotherapy training.

I have worked as a teacher and workshop facilitator since 2009 and mostly recently have been teaching online via Treadwells Bookshop.

I’m a qualified and insured Yoga Teacher registered with the Yoga Alliance as a RYT200.

I also hold certificates in Counselling and Psychology, Trauma, Shame, and Polyvagal Theory (amongst many others – you can view the full list here) and am in my final stage of completing my Psychology Masters degree.